Medical Home, Arkansas -
About DDS Children's Services
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Welcome to Medical Home, Arkansas

This website is dedicated to all families and health care professionals who provide nurture and care for children with special health care needs.

Children with special health care needs (CSHCN) are defined as those children who have or are at risk for chronic physical, developmental, behavioral, or emotional conditions that require health and related services of a type or amount beyond that required to children generally.

A medical home is not a building, house, or hospital, but rather an approach to providing health care services in a high-quality and cost-effective manner. Children and their families who have a medical home receive the care that they need from a well-trained physician who provides primary care and helps to manage and facilitate essentially all aspects of pediatric care. Physicians, families and allied health professionals act as partners in a medical home to identify and access all the medical and non-medical services needed to help children and their families achieve their maximum potential.

Links are provided on this website to information for both families and professionals that will enhance their knowledge of specific special need conditions and will guide them to obtaining needed services.

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Links for Families and Professionals

National Resource Guide
Arkansas Resource Guide
County Resource Guide (pdf)
Other Links:
AR Governor's Developmental Disabilities Council
National Center of Medical Home Initiatives for Children   with Special Needs (American Academy of Pediatrics)

If you have any questions regarding medical homes or for information regarding any resources, please call toll-free 1-800-482-5850, extension 22277, or locally 682-8207, during the hours of 8:00 to 4:30 Monday
through Friday. You may call anytime 24-7 and leave
a question on voice mail toll-free at 1-800-342-2793.


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